This course surveys the major events, people, and writings of the Old Testament, by examining each book’s authorship, genre, setting, themes, and relationship to other books of the Bible.
- Менаџер: Debra Naimy
- Менаџер: Mark Naimy
- Предавач: The Editor
This course is a study of the book of Genesis with emphasis on Genesis as the seed bed of all major biblical doctrines. Topics covered include, the creation, the fall of humanity and God's covenants with man, and much more.
- Менаџер: Debra Naimy
- Менаџер: Mark Naimy
- Предавач: The Editor
This course reviews the 2nd Book of Moses, which records the Israelites' deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai, the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and much more.
- Менаџер: Debra Naimy
- Менаџер: Mark Naimy
- Предавач: The Editor
This course is a systematic study of the feast days and offerings outlined in the Book of Leviticus.
- Менаџер: Debra Naimy
- Менаџер: Mark Naimy
- Предавач: The Editor
Introduces the student to the theological doctrines of last things: death, immortality, resurrection, judgment, and the end of the world. The course also looks at the Tribulation, Armageddon, the Second Advent of Christ, the Millennium, the New Jerusalem, and the eternal state.
- Менаџер: Debra Naimy
- Менаџер: Mark Naimy
- Предавач: The Editor