• A Message from Our Director

    Welcome to the Apostolic Bible College Online!

    ABC is a student supported institution dedicated to providing a world class Bible college education to students everywhere, regardless of the student's ability to pay.  
    Students who have the means are asked to prayerfully give whatever the Lord directs for each course they enroll in.  Those who truly cannot afford to give, may take courses free of charge, provided they remain current with their studies. 




Site announcements

Another ABC Milestone Reached!

by Mark Naimy -

The Apostolic Bible College recently achieved a significant milestone.

150 of you (active students) have donated at least once to ABC!  

To Our Donors:  God bless you!  Your donations are making it possible for hundreds of people in difficult financial circumstances - from all over the world - to receive a top-flight Bible College education.  

Reminder To Everyone Else:  ABC’s unique mission is to provide world class equipping for ministry regardless of the students’ ability to pay.  Students who have the means are asked to prayerfully consider donating (whatever the Lord lays on your heart) for each course they take.  Students who truly do not have the means to donate are simply asked to keep current with their studies. 

Thanks to everyone for supporting our mission!

Mark Naimy, Director

The Apostolic Bible College



Holiday Greeting from the ABC Staff

by Mark Naimy -

As the day set apart to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior’s birth approaches, the staff of The Apostolic Bible College gives thanks to God for you, our students!

We thank God for your desire to learn more about Him and His Word, for your diligent studies, and for your desire to become productive laborers in His Kingdom. 

We are also thankful for all who have “caught the ABC vision”!   Your financial support of The Apostolic Bible College is making it possible for people all over the world to obtain quality Bible College training, regardless of their financial circumstances. 

The events of the past year serve to underscore the urgency of our hour.  We are living in perilous times!  Judgment day is fast approaching, and too many souls are not yet ready!  

ABC’s mission is to address the greatest need of our hour, the need for well equipped laborers to take the wonderful saving message of Jesus to our lost and dying world. 

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  We believe and thank God that you are one of “the few”!

It is our honor to serve you!

May God bless you abundantly in all you do for Him.

Rev. Mark Naimy, Director

The Apostolic Bible College

ABC Adds Tithe.ly as an Option for Giving

by Mark Naimy -

Please note that we just added Tithe.ly as an option for making donations to The Apostolic Bible College.  

Tithe.ly offers multiple options for giving including; credit cards, Google Pay, ACH bank transfers and texting. 

Thank you for supporting the mission of The Apostolic Bible College!

Brother Naimy

ABC Milestone

by Mark Naimy -

The Apostolic Bible College recently achieved a significant milestone.

100 of you (active students) have donated at least once to ABC!  

To Our Donors:  God bless you!  Your donations are making it possible for hundreds of people in difficult financial circumstances to receive a top-flight Bible College education.  

Reminder To Everyone Else:  ABC’s unique mission is to provide world class equipping for ministry regardless of the students’ ability to pay.  Students who have the means are asked to prayerfully consider donating (whatever the Lord lays on your heart) for each course they take.  Students who truly do not have the means to donate are simply asked to keep current with their studies.

Thanks to everyone for supporting our mission!

Mark Naimy, Director

The Apostolic Bible College



Venmo added as an option for Donations to ABC.

by Mark Naimy -

Greetings in Jesus name,

Please note that we just added Venmo as an option for donations to The Apostolic Bible College.  

You may download the Venmo App at https://venmo.com. 

Our Venmo user ID is @ABCollege

Brother Naimy

Thank you!

by Mark Naimy -

As the world pauses to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ (God’s greatest gift to mankind!), the staff of The Apostolic Bible College wishes to take a moment to thank you, our students, for all of the hard work you are putting into preparing yourself for greater service to our Lord and Savior.  

We also want to express our deepest gratitude to those who make the vision of ABC - equipping people all over the world for Christian ministry regardless of their ability to pay - possible through your donations!

May God bless you and yours with bountiful blessings from our heavenly father during this season!

Mark Naimy, Director

The Apostolic Bible College

Older topics...

Available courses

The student will learn to defend Apostolic doctrine against false religions and teachings, such as: predestination, Jehovah witness, Mormonism, unconditional eternal security, Seventh Day Adventism, evolution, Eastern religions and others.

This course surveys the major events, people, and writings of the Old Testament, by examining each book’s authorship, genre, setting, themes, and relationship to other books of the Bible.  

This course is a study of the book of Genesis with emphasis on Genesis as the seed bed of all major biblical doctrines.  Topics covered include, the  creation, the fall of humanity and God's covenants  with man, and much more.

This course reviews the 2nd Book of Moses, which records the Israelites' deliverance from slavery in Egypt, the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai, the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, and much more.

This course is a systematic study of the feast days and offerings outlined in the Book of Leviticus.

Introduces the student to the theological doctrines of last things: death, immortality, resurrection, judgment, and the end of the world. The course also looks at the Tribulation, Armageddon, the Second Advent of Christ, the Millennium, the New Jerusalem, and the eternal state.

This course is designed to prepare students for Christian service within the church and in their local communities. Topics covered include the minister’s qualifications, calling, family relationships, personal life, and much more.

A course that covers a study of Christian leadership responsibilities and qualities. This course will cover the leaders motives, attitudes, character, qualities and skills necessary to be successful in the ministry.

A thorough study of the preparation and delivery of sermons. Basic principles of persuasive speaking are integrated with considerations unique to inspired expository preaching.

A review of history from 33 AD (the day of Pentecost) to the present from an apostolic perspective with evidence that the apostolic doctrine has persisted through progressive world changes. 

A brief review of the Pentecostal experience in modern Church history (from 1,900 AD to the present).

This course establishes the need for and many benefits of home bible study evangelism. Students will learn how to effectively teach home Bible Studies.

This course emphasizes the biblical commandment for every Christian to communicate the gospel by personal witnessing. Various types and methods of evangelism are explored.

This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of salvation from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of the Church of Jesus Christ from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of mankind from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of God from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of the person and work of Christ from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course is a systematic study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit from an Apostolic Pentecostal perspective.

This course explores the main themes of Romans including sin, guilt, justification, and sanctification, the place of the Jew and the Gentile in the world, and practical application of righteousness in our lives.

An examination of the themes and doctrines found in 1st and 2nd Corinthians.

An exegetical study of Hebrews. The course includes an investigation of the doctrines of Christ, especially His mediatorship and priesthood and the use of the Old Testament in this book. 

An in-depth study of the book of Numbers. 

An in-depth study of the book of Numbers. 

This course is designed to introduce students to the literature, history, and messages of the Old Testament. The Old Testament provides its readers with a history of the people of Israel and a picture of Israel's relationship with God. Yet, the Old Testament is far more than the story of ancient Israel. It provides many lessons applicable to people of all cultures and times.

An in-depth examination of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel with emphasis on the fulfillment of the prophesies each pronounced, and the historic time and settings of each Prophet

An in-depth examination of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, with emphasis on the fulfillment of the prophesies each pronounced, and the historic time and settings of each Prophet

Develop an understanding of all the members that make up a family with emphasis on father, mother, husband, wife, and children and child development, especially each of these roles within a Christian home.

Explore all the spiritual gifts described in the Bible with emphasis on 1st Corinthians, Romans, and Ephesians, with practical application to the Church today.

Understand the science and art of correct Biblical interpretation with emphasis on the grammatical-historical method, the different kinds of literature found in the Bible, prophesy, and types and symbols

Develop an understanding of all aspects of missions and missionary work from a Biblical and cultural perspective.

Understand current educational psychology, explore and practice various teaching methods, as well as a final teaching practicum.

An in-depth examination of 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus with emphasis on the terms bishop, elder, overseer, and pastor, and the biblical requirements of same